The Bible gives us a vision and a mandate for all nations on our planet. This is seen in God’s view of a future situation when:
Instruction will go out from me; my justice will become a light to the nations. (Isaiah 51:4)
In light of this Perth-Andover Baptist Church has developed an online distance education curriculum in Urdu that provides an overview of the Biblical narrative as a chronological study, each webpage building on the previous article to help the reader get information and understand the biblical story. The education curriculum also has a FAQ section to help address possible mis-understandings. We chose Urdu as our adopted language since we have a partnering relationship with native Urdu speakers who are working on the curriculum. This online educational tool can be accessed at
Countries we operate in
Though accessible anywhere in the world, being an Urdu-language information/educational tool we invest in reaching Urdu-speakers. Specifically, these countries are:
- Canada, USA, UK (where an Urdu-speaking diaspora exists in these anglo countries)
- UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, & Gulf states (where an Urdu-speaking diaspora exists in these arabic countries)
- India, Pakistan, Nepal, Afghanistan, Bangladesh (where Urdu-speakers primarily reside)